The Center for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Ethnic Minorities (CEICSEM) have organized and held at the International Youth Center, Stara Zagora a five-day (January 23-27, 2023) training course for Roma educational mediators. Training was organized and conducted within the framework of Activity 4.2 “Training of Roma Educational Mediator Trainers“ under Project BGLD-2.002-0001 “Building Capacity for Educational and Social Inclusion“, financed by the Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups Program of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021.
Participants were trained in accordance with the Updated Framework and Prepared Methodology and Curriculum for Training Roma Educational Mediators. Within the training participants also received training on the Project developed training package “Prevention and Protection against Forms of Discrimination“and a specialized training module “Monitoring and Actions against Hate Speech, Antigypsyism and Disinformation in Social Networks“.
В Международен младежки център – Стара Загора се проведе Обучение на обучители на ромски образователни медиатори