

Диди-крачка напред

On 22 of January a charity photo exhibition was opened in support of “With Didi I’m a step ahead“!

The charity exhibition is another initiative aimed at supporting the recovery of Diyana Miteva, a young woman from Stara Zagora, who was seriously injured in a road accident in October last year. Behind the idea of the photographer Dimitar Uzunov stood his colleagues and supporters, as well as the team of the International Youth Center.

Within a week and a half, Stara Zagora residents will have the opportunity to support the charity campaign by purchasing photographs from the exhibition, which will be at the following locations: from 22nd to 23rd of January - on the square in front of the Stara Zagora Municipality; from 24th to 28th of January - in the lobby of the Stara Zagora Municipality and from 29th to 30th of January - on the square in front of the Stara Zagora Municipality. There will also be boxes for donations.

Along with the charity exhibition, an online auction will be held on the official website of the campaign "With Didi I'm a Step Ahead" at: https://www.facebook.com/sDIDIsum.

Photographers participating in the initiative will provide a selection of their works with an initial price indicated. The photographs will be posted on the official campaign page on January 24 and the auction will be launched. The conditions for participation in the bidding will also be announced there.


Международен младежки център Стара Загора организира Национална конференция за младежки политики

Международният младежки център-Стара Загора организира Национална конференция на тема “Перспективи пред развитието на младежките политики и институционализирането на младежките центрове в България“. Събитието ще се проведе от 8 до 11 април 2024 година в хотел „Верея“ и се организира по проект BGLD – 1.003.0003 „Международен младежки център Стара Загора – мисли локално, действай глобално“ финансиран от Финансовия механизъм на Европейското икономическо пространство по програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и подобрено включване на уязвими групи“.

Международен младежки център-Стара Загора се заема със смелата задача да бъде домакин на Националната конференция на тема “Перспективи пред развитието на младежките политики и институционализирането на младежките центрове в България“. Целта е с провеждането на форума да се потърсят отговори на всички предизвикателства пред младежката работа и политики. С участието на всички заинтересовани страни се цели да бъдат очертани конкретни стъпки и предложения за полагане основите на институционализацията на младежките центровете в България.

Националната конференцията ще даде перспективи на младежката политика на национално и на местно ниво, важен приоритет, който младите хора на България заслужават. За тази цел е необходимо ангажиране на всички заинтересовани страни в лицето на съответните министерства, национални институции, местни власти и др. за създаването на механизъм за институционализирането на тези вече доказано добре работещи структури за младежка работа.

По време на конференцията ще бъде проведена панелна дискусия за младежките политики на местно ниво и младежкото участие, в която ще се включат заместник-кметове и ръководители на досегашните проекти за младежки центрове, изградени и функциониращи по програма „Местно развитие, намаляване на бедността и подобрено включване на уязвими групи“.

В рамките на форума ще бъде представена и Националната мрежа на младежките центрове в България, както и добри практики от младежката работа в страната.

“My First Job” Training

February 23, 2022 @ 18:00 - 19:30

Training gives us the opportunity to learn more about the opportunities that the labor market provides.

Training objectives:

  1. Introduction to "Future Professions of the 21st Century”
  2. Formation of self-knowledge and self-presentation skills
  3. Develop an impactful cover letter and a relevant CV

Special guest will be Vanya Yordanova, psychologist at the Bureau of Labor Directorate, Stara Zagora. All activities will be carried out through non-formal education methods. Participation is open to all young people between the ages of 15 and 29.

The training will take place on 23.02.2022 at 18:00 at MMC - Stara Zagora

At 08. 02 starts our new Online Academy! For the first module we have chosen the topic of volunteering because it is one of the most interesting, dynamic and motivating experiences for every young person. We will focus on good ideas, examples and opportunities for volunteering around the world and in our country, and also on the positives it brings us. We [...]


International Youth Centre - Stara Zagora organizes a youth exchange in Norway. The exchange is hosted by a partner school according to Project No. BGLD-1.003-0003 "International Youth Centre - Think Locally, Act Globally!" under the Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups Program, funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021.
The purpose of the visit is to exchange experiences and good practices with the partner school in Fredrikstad. The dynamic program prepared by the hosts, especially the participation of young people in the decision-making process./незавършено изречение, променя смисъла – бел.прев/ Meetings with public authorities, participation in educational modules on various topics as well as sports and cultural initiatives are planned.
The exchange will involve 18 young people from Stara Zagora Region. Duration of the visit is October 25-30, 2022, as all travel expenses, accommodation and meals shall be at the expense of the Project.
Candidates must:
Have a permanent address in the Stara Zagora Region;
Be fluent in spoken English;
Be motivated to be involved in the planned activities;
Application deadline: 10 September.
For more information: International Youth Center - Stara Zagora and Tel.: 0884 68 60 23.

International Youth Center - Stara Zagora supported the First Spring Chess Tournament held at the Geo Milev High School of Mathematics

We love to support young people to develop their talent and intellect!
Our Center enables teams of young people to implement their own initiatives by providing them the necessary materials.
One of the last projects we can talk about is the First Spring Chess Tournament “Mathematical Knight” held at the Geo Milev High School of Mathematics, Stara Zagora (29.04.2023). Geo Milev Profiled Natural Mathematics High School (29.04.2023 г.).
Main organizers of the event were students from the student council of the high school.
Participants in the tournament were nearly 50 graduates of the High School of Mathematics and their peers from the chess club at the Romain Rolland Foreign Language High School, Stara Zagora.
Special guests were representatives of local chess clubs, partners and parents who supported the initiative.
Tournament brought together students of different ages from V to XI grade. Their love for chess created new friendships and a very nice atmosphere.
The Stara Zagora International Youth Center team congratulates all participants and winners. It has been an honor for us to be part of this experience and we do hope the tournament to become a tradition for the school and our town.
*Youth initiatives are realized under Project No. BGLD-1.003-0003 “International Youth Center – Think Locally, Act Globally!” under the Local Development Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups Program, financedby the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021.

International Youth Exchange in Serbia

Shared experiences from our next youth exchange in Serbia.
Hosted by Ekološki Centar Radulovački a youth space certified with the Council of Europe Quality Seal, as our Centre.
We started with a discussion about what youth work is, volunteering and the role of youth workers in society. We continued by getting to know Sremski Karlovci, the aim being to learn more about the contribution of young volunteers in making their town an even more attractive and welcoming place.
More meetings with active young people and new places to explore await us.

Youth Intiatives Competition You(th) can!

🥳International Youth Center announces Youth Initiatives Competition You(th) can! Youth Initiatives Competition You(th) can! You(th) can!

🤩 Competition provides young people the opportunity to propose and implement events and initiatives of public and social importance for their peers in the Stara Zagora Region.

👉Eligible candidates are young people between 15 and 29 years of agewho have formed a team of at least 4 people. At least one of the persons in the team should be of legal age, and this can be a teacher, parent, etc.

👀Approved proposals will be financed by provision of the necessary materials for the youth initiatives realization to the amount of BGN 1000.

☎️For further information on the conditions and application documents, please, contact us. Application deadline: 17 March

Deadline to apply: March 17

Here you can find: Regulations for participation Application form

Participation Regulation

Application form



International Youth Center, Stara Zagora organizes youth exchange in 4. Host of the event is Sremski Karlovci Youth Center awarded with the Council of Europe Quality Label.

Aim of the visit is to exchange experience and good practice with young people and representatives of the Center. Dynamic program prepared by the hosts encourages the involvement of young people in the decision-making processes. Meetings with public authorities, participation in educational modules on various topics, as well as sports and cultural initiatives are planned.

18 young people from the Stara Zagora Region will be included in the exchange. Duration of the visit is April 08-13, 2023 as all the travel expenses, accommodation and meals shall be at the expense of Project No. BGLD-1.003-0003 “International Youth Center – Think Locally, Act Globally!”.

Candidates must:
Have a permanent address in the Stara Zagora Region;
Be over 18 years old.
Be fluent in spoken English;
Be motivated to be involved in the planned activities;

To make a request, please complete the form:

Application deadline: 16.03.2023

For more information: International Youth Center - Stara Zagora and Tel.: 0884 68 60 23.

Training of Roma educational mediator trainers was held at IYC

The Center for Educational Integration of Children and Students from Ethnic Minorities (CEICSEM) have organized and held at the International Youth Center, Stara Zagora a five-day (January 23-27, 2023) training course for Roma educational mediators. Training was organized and conducted within the framework of Activity 4.2 “Training of Roma Educational Mediator Trainers“ under Project BGLD-2.002-0001 “Building Capacity for Educational and Social Inclusion“, financed by the Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups Program of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021.
Participants were trained in accordance with the Updated Framework and Prepared Methodology and Curriculum for Training Roma Educational Mediators. Within the training participants also received training on the Project developed training package “Prevention and Protection against Forms of Discrimination“and a specialized training module “Monitoring and Actions against Hate Speech, Antigypsyism and Disinformation in Social Networks“.

В Международен младежки център – Стара Загора се проведе Обучение на обучители на ромски образователни медиатори

IYC interview for Focus – about the training format “My Life, My Strength“

You can hear and read more about the modules in the training format "My Life, My Strenght" https://www.focus-news.net/novini/regioni/Moyat-zhivot-moyata-sila-e-nai-novata-iniciativa-koyato-se-realizira-ot-MMC-Stara-Zagora-1553016?fbclid=IwAR1P_DE6dg02xYyFTfHvcPyX5j67vuqEaOmRKKY_t5dTapTB7pCzQyj7RbM

Format dedicated to youth health will take place in five modules:

  • Sports and Healthy Eating (February 2)
  • Nutritional Disorders (February 9)
  • Bad Habits (February 16)
  • Health Outside (February 23)
  • Health Inside(March 2).

All meetings start at 18.30 and will take place at the International Youth Center.


Educational format: my life - my strength

This is the big topic that will be on our minds during the month of February.
Here are 5 modules that will get us thinking about our lifestyle.
We promise:
🎤 Drawing information from the source - meeting interesting module presenters for whom health is a cause;
😎 A warm group where everyone feels in their own waters;
💰 New knowledge and skills - valuable tips and guidelines related to good habits that everyone can easily apply.
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